Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Women Gather - Dare Your Divinity - It's Happening Now!!!!!!

CONNOR SAUER is coming to Jacksonville!  Get your reservations now so you are apart of this exciting event for women.

(Check her out:

Connor is an author, keynote, original wild woman who lived on the south rim of the grand canyon and is bringing her-story and her experience to fill our cups with radiance and empowerment.

Women…….Dare Your Divinity.... Where Women Will Gather...They Will Find and Experience Joy and Renewed Creative Flow!!!

Connor is facilitating a one-day retreat for divine women of wisdom!  This is our chance to learn, to share, and to experience wholeness as women and full feminine energy.

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Hosted by: Ocean Yoga Center
51 Pine Street
Atlantic Beach, FL
$79 prepay; $99 after 5/1
Sponsored by Marilyn Wilson and Lynn Curtin of Heart2Heeart Circles

Come......Explore your...

....Genuine Presence and Practice a deeper sense of “genuine presence”

..Collaborative & Celebratory Natures  and Replace competition with generosity and collaboration

...Gifts of Genius by Creating abundance, joy, fun, and ease through unfolding our gifts and genius.

..Ways of Seeing and Being  and Be witnessed and celebrated…..See and be in new ways through perceptual shifts

...Interdependence is how we  Experience mutual cooperation, support, and sharing through understanding interdependence

..Uniqueness and Wonderful Selves as you Discover, recognize and celebrate the uniqueness of individuals and what can be created through a collaborative experience, just being our wonderful selves

..Deepest Law of Living and Consider what life could be, living in alignment with the Deepest Law.

..‘Holding of the Bowl’ for others and learn and understand what “Holding the Bowl” for others really means.

...Living as a Side-by and Know what making room for others’ genius means, and living as a Side-by.

..Inner Expert and Innate Wisdom  by Bringing your own “inner expert and wisdom” and be part of seeding something special for the land where you live.

…Partnerships are special when you consider dynamic partnerships with deeper, more meaningful context

…What’s Next - Are you Open to building “what’s next” for us all with greater transparency


 Using wisdom........ metaphors.............. storytelling......... inquiry........collective creation points................. interactive exchange...... lite drumming...............optional dancing.......... song.......... creative expression.................. and contemplation......... we will create abundance, joy, and fun!

And, Meet Connor!!!!

Space is Limited. Call soon to save your space.


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