Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Now that I've been, I must go back!!!!!

We just don't see these types of views here in Florida. Everything seems so large and expansive when looking out over nature's beauty!

The workshop with Joan Anderson was incomparable and enlightening. A must for women approaching or over 50! A way to appreciate ourselves and unite with other women facing our futures, banding together, and supporting each other.

Additionally, having Kripalu as a base for our workshop was The Best! Everything offered at Kripalu was available to us when we were not in class.
For those of you who don't know about Kripalu, I recommend checking out their site and their course offerings. Plentiful!
Kripalu used to be an Ashram where the naturalists, hippies, and yogi's communed. It has since expanded to include others; yet remains true to it's humble beginnings serving organic and vegetarian food with herbal teas.
Only recently has non-vegetarian and coffee been added. Yet, I can assure you the food is exquisite and served 3 times a day in large quantities.

Shhhh!!!!! Silent breakfast, lunch and dinner are options if your visit is to escape and spend time meditating, thinking, or just finding solitude. Here it is not only acceptable, it is encouraged. Using the eyes and not the mouth is essential when taking in the beauty and the intention of Kripalu.

The rooms are simple, yet ample. The hiking path, the fire pit, the labrynth, the wonderful yoga classes and awesome spa are all part of the amenities and not to be missed. Never have I been in a yoga class with over 100 participants and all speaking 'OHM' at the same time. That is elevating all by itself. Classic!

My favorite was the 'SILENCE' badge that one can wear to avoid communicating unnecessarily --it allows a person to become invisible for a time. Frank said he wants to institute that here at our house :(

I will be back to Kripalu and I will participate in more of Joan Anderson's retreats wherever they are. Check out both websites for your own journey beyond.................
Namaste -

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